Stop looking up Building Codes, we do it for you
Accurate, fast estimates on every project
You simply enter the address, and within OneClick Code, access a wide array of features to streamline your process for estimating roofing claims.
Building Code Reports
OneClick Code continually scans over 20,000 permitting jurisdictions so you have the most up-to-date building codes at your fingertips. OneClick Code has building code data on over 98% of residential and commercial flat roofs in the US.

Jurisdiction Overview
Included in every OneClick Code result, you get confirmation of the governing jurisdiction, sales tax, Code enforcement advisory, manufacturers installation specifications, and municipality contact information.

Property Details
OneClick Code delivers property details for every project: home size, age, number of floors, and the most recent International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) data

Weather History
OneClick Code offers address-specific wind and hail data in partnership with our partner Canopy. Type in an address and you'll have the option to receive 3 years of weather history data for that address.

Print to PDF Reports
OneClick Code not only provides detailed address specific information that saves time in creating and approving estimates, we also deliver a series of printable reports right in the Code application. Building Code reports, manufacturer installation requirements, building design criteria and weather history can be printed and attached to estimates - validating that you 'know the Code'.

Several of OneClick Code's subscription plans offer integration to industry-leading estimating platforms such as CoreLogic and Verisk. There is no need to make side notes or copy and paste. OneClick Code will feed roof details (Code-driven requirements, measurements, IWS calculations, waste calculations, and ventilation calculations) directly to your estimating platforms.
Estimating Calculators
OneClick Code packages three calculators right in the Code application so you can input measurements on the spot or back at the office.
Ice & Water Shield
Identifies the required IWS membrane as well as other IWS costs.
Determines the necessary ventilation needed based on the complexity of the roof and how much ventilation is required by code.
Ice & Water Shield
Identifies the required IWS membrane as well as other IWS costs.
Determines the necessary ventilation needed based on the complexity of the roof and how much ventilation is required by code.
Manufacturing Specs
Instantly access code requirements based on the manufacturer. For instance, if you’re using a timber line shingle by GAF you can understand which code elements are required by the manufacturer. Simply apply the manufacturer, shingle type, and voila!

Calculate the necessary permit fees on what may feel like an ever moving target. Use our permit fee calculator to calculate city and use tax, based on the jurisdiction.

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OneClick Code
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Which U.S. States Adopt State vs Local Building Codes

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OneClick Code Increased Claim Payment Accuracy by 14.6% for Insurance Carrier

OneClick Code
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