Roofing Technology Blog | OneClick Code

How Building Code Changes Impact Insurance Claims

Written by Melanie Moscoso | 8/21/24 3:03 PM

Building codes: the unsung heroes (or villains) of the construction world. They're the often overlooked yet critically essential rules that dictate everything from the foundation of a skyscraper to the shingles on a suburban home. 

Imagine a massive storm rolling through, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Property owners file claims, and your team is inundated with requests. But amidst the chaos, there’s an invisible layer of complexity: building codes. These regulations can differ between a straightforward claim and a prolonged legal battle. They can inflate costs, delay settlements, and even lead to disputes. It’s a high-stakes game, and understanding the rules is essential to succeeding. Understanding this dynamic landscape in the building and roofing industry is crucial. It’s about more than just compliance; it’s about risk mitigation, claim accuracy, and the overall efficiency of the claims process.  


The insurance industry faces a complex and ever-present challenge in the evolving landscape of building codes. By understanding the intricacies of codes, leveraging technology, and fostering strong industry relationships, insurance adjusters can position their organizations for success, improving efficiency and strengthening the accuracy of the claims process, ultimately benefiting both insurers and policyholders.

Accurate Building Code data can prevent payment errors of 25% or more on roofing settlements.